Air Purifier Odor Removal in Your Kitchen

Air Purifier Odor Removal in Your Kitchen

Your kitchen can be the culprit of several odors inside your home. When you cook a meal, the aromas will develop inside your living space and linger inside for a long period of time, as the stagnant odorous air will sit inside the environment. Foods like onions, garlic, chili powder, curry, fish, and red meats are all items that will produce a strong odorous smell inside your house that will be a challenge to remove entirely. Sometimes, though you will also experience another odor inside your kitchen that is entirely unrelated to the aroma of food. This odor is caused by your stovetop – as gas stoves produce nitrogen dioxide and other indoor air pollutants that can contaminate your house and produce an undesirable odor in the home.

What can you do to guard yourself from these cooking odors in your kitchen and can you use an air purifier odor removal to eliminate these unwanted odors?

Air Purifier for Odor RemovalBelow are the best solutions to use to expel odorous kitchen scents from your home.

  1. Use Potatoes: Did you know that certain foods can actually eliminate the smells of other foods? Potatoes are a wonderful odor absorber – all you need to do to keep those strong cooking odors at bay is to sprinkle a little salt over some halved potatoes and place them open in the kitchen.
  2. Soak Strong Odorous Cutting Boards: A cooking item that we often don’t think about when it comes to odors is our cutting boards. Cutting boards are usually constructed of wood and this means it will absorb odors very rapidly that have been on contact with the board. The best way to eliminate these odors is to soak these items in the sink and allow this process to go on overnight. Place the cutting board in warm water with soap to help this process become expedited.
  3. Boil Cinnamon: Instead of pulling out the air freshener, try using a more natural method for eliminating the cooking stench. One way to replace the odors naturally is to boil a few sticks of cinnamon in a pot of water for 5 minutes and leave it to cool.
  4. Use an Air Purifier to Remove Cooking Odors: Air purifiers are becoming a go-to solution for odor problems inside homes, but there still in lies a problem – many air purifiers are not capable of removing odors from the air. When purchasing an air purifier for odor problems, many people will turn to carbon air purifiers to accomplish this odor removal, however, carbon does not remove the odors it simply stores it within the filter until the filter gets full and it will re-release it back into the air. Whereas the EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System uses a patented earth mineral technology that is capable of breaking down and neutralizing the odors completely without the use of chemicals or masking agents, and best of all without the fear that the odor will be re-released back into your home.
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