Author: EnviroKlenz

best air purifier for dorm rooms

What Makes the Best Dorm Room Air Purifier

Recently, alarmingly high levels of toxic flame retardants have been found during testing of the air quality in college dorm rooms. These harmful chemicals could potentially impact the health of the young students who reside in them. The risk posed by these chemicals range from cancer to hormonal disruption, and more. Many environmentalists debate on […]

How Air Quality & Environmental Toxins Trigger Autoimmune Disease

How Air Quality & Environmental Toxins Trigger Autoimmune Disease

Top Triggers of Autoimmune Disease Autoimmune diseases, in which the body attacks its own tissues and cells, are becoming more and more prevalent. Over 50 million Americans have some type of autoimmune disease. As an attempt to combat these conditions, many patients are resorting to medications that merely mask symptoms. Hiding symptoms rather than trying […]

best air purifier for autoimmune

The Connection Between Allergies and Autoimmune Disease

  For most people, our immune systems know the difference between our body’s cells and foreign substances and know to only attack those that pose a danger to our body. For some, however, our bodies don’t know the difference and may attack perfectly healthy tissue, resulting in autoimmune disease. Although the cause of why exactly […]

new home chemicals

How to Reduce Your Chemical Exposure in A New Home

  Moving into a brand-new home may seem like a dream come true—fewer maintenance issues to worry about, and nothing needs to be updated. A newly built home may not be all it’s cracked up to be, however. Recently built or remodeled homes can pose many health concerns, the majority of which involves exposures to […]

Is your laundry detergent causing your skin rash? - Best Laundry Detergent for Sensitive Skin

Toxic Chemicals Found In Detergents May Be Causing Your Skin Rash

What is Sensitive Skin? “Sensitive skin” is a term used to describe a condition that over 40% of the population has, in which they experience a rash of itchy, blotchy, or otherwise irritated skin. This condition might be caused by illnesses, prescriptions or individual hormonal balance. It is likely, however, that this is the result […]

How to Manage & Fight Back Against Pollen Attacks

Pollen is a powdery substance emitted from a plant’s microscopic male gametophytes and is intended to fertilize (or pollinate) female ovules of the same plant. Pollen relies on nature to get where it needs to go. It is transported to its intended destination either by the wind or insect pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. […]

The Best Air Purifier for Nurseries

What is the Best Baby Nursery Air Purifier

Baby’s Health is Affected by Indoor Air Quality A child’s health is of utmost importance to any parent. There are several factors that have an impact on a baby’s well-being, including nutrition, proper attention from caretakers, and medical care. While these more obvious needs are most often met, sometimes other threats to an infant’s health […]

best air purifier for cigarette smoke

The Ultimate Guide for Cigarette Smell Removal

Why Shouldn’t You Use Ozone on Cigarette Smells? This post came to existence based on a recent experience at a national trade show that we attended, at the trade show we found little to no products that can actually remove cigarette odors and even more astounding many vendors were promoting products that we both antiquated […]

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