Best Air Purifier for Cooking Odor Elimination

Best Air Purifier for Cooking Odor Elimination

Cooking OdorsCooking inside your home can stir all kinds of odors within your environment. Often times we are completely oblivious to the scents and smells that will gather in your air – and sometimes are nose will become accustomed to the odor, making it hard to detect the smells that are swirling around. The scents from cooking can all vary depending on the type of food you are cooking and how fragrant the item is when it is cooked. Foods like onions, garlic, fish, curry, and red meats are super aromatic foods that will release a pungent odor into the air, and this odor can be a challenge to remove completely from the environment.

What can you do to eliminate the unwanted odors caused by cooking and what is the best air purifier for odor elimination, especially inside your kitchen? Below are the key methods to use to eliminate cooking odors.

Cooking odors can gather in a number of different spots from your disposal, counters, trash, and even in your air. If you do not treat all sources of odor than the issue with your home’s odor will not be remedied. Here are the top solutions to removing all types of cooking odor issues in your kitchen.

  1. Place Lemons in Disposal: Save lemons or other fragrant fruits in your fridge for a quick sink deodorization. Disposals are notorious for being stinky and pungent, and rightfully so as we place food scraps and other debris down this area. Whenever the disposal odor rises and becomes very noticeable, it is time to pull out your lemons. Citric acid contains cleansing powers that will allow it to break up the gunk and grease that is causing the unpleasant odor, and create a light, fragrant smell in its place.
  2. Keep Sponges Dry: A wet sponge can get seriously stinky and many people will immediately know this smell because we often leave this item wet after cleaning up. Be sure to squeeze out sponge before you store it.
  3. Clean the Air: Air purifiers are often a popular method for eliminating those foul unwanted cooking odors inside your house, but what is the best air purifier to use to remove these cooking odors within your air? Many people will turn to a carbon air purifier to help with odor removal, and although this type of air purifier will take in those odors, it will re-release them back into the environment overtime as the filter becomes full. Whereas the EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System uses an advanced earth mineral technology that is able to take in odors and completely neutralize the odor. EnviroKlenz has a patented technology that uses adsorptive neutralization to eliminate unwanted odors, chemicals, and chemical odors from the air – which is the most effective method for eliminating unwanted cooking odors.

Best air purifier for cooking odors

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