Safe, Effective Solution for Clean Air
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Receive 20% off EnviroKlenz Air Systems with code:
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EnviroKlenz Air System
The EnviroKlenz Air System uses patented technology to remove stubborn household odors, dust, and other allergens, providing your home with the cleanest air imaginable.
Dimensions: Height: 19″ x Width: 15″ x Depth: 15″
Weight: 38lbs
Room Size: Treats up to 1000 square feet
Rated Air Flow of Fan (for each speed): 85 CFM, 150 CFM, 200 CFM, 250 CFM
Whisper Mode – 54Db
Low – 56Db
Medium – 59Db
High 62Db
Dimensions: Height: 19″ x Width: 15″ x Depth: 15″
Weight: 38lbs
Room Size: Treats up to 1000 square feet
Rated Air Flow of Fan (for each speed): 85 CFM, 150 CFM, 200 CFM, 250 CFM
Whisper Mode – 54Db
Low – 56Db
Medium – 59Db
High 62Db
EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge uses our proprietary earth mineral technology to remove and neutralize VOCs, pathogens, odors, fragrances, and other toxic and noxious chemicals from the air. The EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge is designed to last 6 months, ensuring that the unit operates at peak odor removal efficiency at all times.
The HEPA filters 99.97% of particles. The filter is designed to last 2 years.
The EnviroKlenz Air Systems have undergone extensive third-party testing and validation for efficacy by Intertek Labs.
Read More about these tests here.
30-day money-back guarantee on all purchases.
5-year full warranty. Sign up here
$699 $560
with coupon code BF21
EnviroKlenz Air System Plus
The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus utilizes patented, medical-grade technology, with the added feature of UVC Bulbs, to enhance the air in your home or business.
Dimensions: Height: 19″ x Width: 15″ x Depth: 15″
Weight: 38lbs
Room Size: Treats up to 1000 square feet
Rated Air Flow of Fan (for each speed): 85 CFM, 150 CFM, 200 CFM, 250 CFM
Whisper Mode – 54Db
Low – 56Db
Medium – 59Db
High 62Db
Dimensions: Height: 22″ x Width: 15.5″ x Depth: 15″
Weight: 38lbs
Room Size: Treats up to 1000 square feet
Rated Air Flow of Fan (for each speed): 85 CFM, 150 CFM, 200 CFM, 250 CFM
Whisper Mode – 54Db
Low – 56Db
Medium – 59Db
High 62Db
EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge uses our proprietary earth mineral technology to remove and neutralize VOCs, pathogens, odors, fragrances, and other toxic and noxious chemicals from the air. The EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge is designed to last 6 months, ensuring that the unit operates at peak odor removal efficiency at all times.
The HEPA filters 99.97% of particles. The filter is designed to last 2 years.
The UV-C Bulbs: (2) 9W germicidal bulbs shine on the HEPA and interior of the unit to provide germicidal irradiation and internal cleaning of the unit.
The EnviroKlenz Air Systems have undergone extensive third-party testing and validation for efficacy by Intertek Labs.
Read More about these tests here.
30-day money-back guarantee on all purchases.
5-year full warranty. Sign up here
$799 $640
with coupon code BF21
Featured In
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Simple, Safe, and Effective
See how the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge compares to other filtration technology:
Third-Party Tested and Validated
EnviroKlenz is proven to capture 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, and other harmful particulates in the air.
In this chamber study, the EnviroKlenz Air System was used with only the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge inside. The test unit was placed in a sealed test chamber measuring 1000 cubic feet and a microbial suspension was aspirated into the chamber. Air samples were taken from the test chamber once the unit was turned on, at intervals over a period of 8 hours. The process was then repeated without the test unit in the chamber to provide the natural decay results. Air sampling took place using an SKC BioStage Single-stage impactor for 30 seconds at 12L/min. *Note: No HEPA filter or UV-C lights were used in this test. *Tested at a third-party, Intertek Labs. Report #104371720COL-003 The EnviroKlenz Technology effectively removes Coliphage PhiX174 at 99.9% in 2 hoursIn this chamber study, the EnviroKlenz Air System was used with only the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge inside. The test unit was placed in a sealed test chamber measuring 1000 cubic feet and a microbial suspension was aspirated into the chamber. Air samples were taken from the test chamber once the unit was turned on, at intervals over a period of 8 hours. The process was then repeated without the test unit in the chamber to provide the natural decay results. Air sampling took place using an SKC BioStage Single-stage impactor for 30 seconds at 12L/min. *Note: No HEPA filter or UV-C lights were used in this test. *Tested at a third-party, Intertek Labs. Report #104371720COL-003 The EnviroKlenz Technology effectively removes Staphyloccous Epidermidis at 99.9% in 8 hoursIn this chamber study, the EnviroKlenz Air System was used with only the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge inside. The test unit was placed in a sealed test chamber measuring 1000 cubic feet and a microbial suspension was aspirated into the chamber. Air samples were taken from the test chamber once the unit was turned on, at intervals over a period of 8 hours. The process was then repeated without the test unit in the chamber to provide the natural decay results. Air sampling took place using an SKC BioStage Single-stage impactor for 30 seconds at 12L/min. *Note: No HEPA filter or UV-C lights were used in this test. *Tested at a third-party, Intertek Labs. Report #104371720COL-003 The EnviroKlenz Technology effectively removes E. Coli at 99.9% in 4 hoursIn this chamber study, the EnviroKlenz Air System was used with the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge and HEPA Filter inside. The test unit was placed in a sealed test chamber measuring 1000 cubic feet and a microbial suspension was aspirated into the chamber. Air samples were taken from the test chamber once the unit was turned on, at intervals over a period of 4 hours. The process was then repeated without the test unit in the chamber to provide the natural decay results. Air sampling took place using a Jerome 631-X analyzer every 5 minutes for 4 hours. *Tested at a third-party, Intertek Labs. Report #104321905GRR-002 The EnviroKlenz Air System effectively removes Hydrogen Sulfide at 99% in 4 hours.
*Tested at a third-party, Intertek Labs. In this chamber study, the EnviroKlenz Air System Plus was used with the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge and HEPA Filter and UVC lights. The test unit was placed in a sealed test chamber measuring 1000 cubic feet and a microbial suspension was aspirated into the chamber. Air samples were taken from the test chamber once the unit was turned on.
Report #104308944COL-001 The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus effectively removes Mold & Fungus at 99.9%.
We’ve partnered with Affirm to offer simple financing – making it easier than ever to take control of your air quality
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Too Good to be True? Our Customers say Otherwise:
[dnxte_testimonial_parent dnxt_testimonial_loop=”on” dnxt_testimonial_grab=”on” dnxt_testimonial_speed=”390″ dnxt_testimonial_keyboard=”on” dnxt_testimonial_arrow_color=”#2AACE3″ dnxt_testimonial_dots_active_color=”#2AACE3″ dnxt_testimonial_arrow_size=”45″ dnxt_testimonial_rating_color=”#2AACE3″ dnxt_testimonial_star_size=”15px” dnxt_testimonial_breakpoint_desktop=”3″ dnxt_testimonial_icon_opacity=”0″ dnxt_testimonial_icon_size=”0px” _builder_version=”4.12.0″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”|600|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”20px” body_text_align=”center” body_font_size=”16px” position_text_align=”center” custom_margin=”40px||||false|false” body_text_align_tablet=”” body_text_align_phone=”center” body_text_align_last_edited=”on|phone” global_colors_info=”{}”][dnxte_testimonial_child dnxte_testimonial_name=”Steve H. ” dnxte_testimonial_description=”
The people at EnviroKlenz made a difference for me. As a dentist navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, they came to my rescue and made the purchase and set-up of recommended air purification simple and easy. I highly recommend EnviroKlenz.
” dnxte_testimonial_rating_position=”top” dnxte_testimonial_description_padding=”||0px||false|false” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_level=”h1″ header_font=”Open Sans||||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#000000″ header_font_size=”30px” description_text_align=”center” description_text_color=”#000000″ description_font_size=”17px” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dnxte_testimonial_child][dnxte_testimonial_child dnxte_testimonial_name=”Florczak” dnxte_testimonial_description=”
My allergies seem to be getting worse with age. I have the EnviroKlenz in the living room. The filters are on auto-ship so I never forget to change. Very easy unit to use and very happy I purchased it.
” dnxte_testimonial_rating_position=”top” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_level=”h1″ header_font=”Open Sans||||||||” header_text_align=”center” description_text_color=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dnxte_testimonial_child][dnxte_testimonial_child dnxte_testimonial_name=”Wayne N. ” dnxte_testimonial_description=”
The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus is a great product- extremely happy with it. It even seems to help with breathing (COPD issues). Efficient and quiet. We tell everyone about it. Highly recommend it!
Support was super helpful when we had questions regarding scheduled replacement filter shipment.
” dnxte_testimonial_rating_position=”top” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_level=”h1″ header_font=”Open Sans||||||||” header_text_align=”center” description_text_color=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dnxte_testimonial_child][dnxte_testimonial_child dnxte_testimonial_name=”Debra S.” dnxte_testimonial_description=”
These are the only air purifiers I have used that really take stuff out of the air! When I turn them off the air quality in the room is improved. I own 7. I got rid of all my carbon based air purifiers.
” dnxte_testimonial_rating_position=”top” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_level=”h1″ header_font=”Open Sans||||||||” header_text_align=”center” description_text_color=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dnxte_testimonial_child][dnxte_testimonial_child dnxte_testimonial_name=”Jeffery S. ” dnxte_testimonial_description=”
The device is solid, well made, and reliable. I feel good knowing wea re cleaning the air to protect our team and our patients.
” dnxte_testimonial_rating_position=”top” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_level=”h1″ header_font=”Open Sans||||||||” header_text_align=”center” description_text_color=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dnxte_testimonial_child][dnxte_testimonial_child dnxte_testimonial_name=”Marcella L.” dnxte_testimonial_description=”
If you are worried about the quality of air in your home this is a must buy.
” dnxte_testimonial_rating_position=”top” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_level=”h1″ header_font=”Open Sans||||||||” header_text_align=”center” description_text_color=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dnxte_testimonial_child][/dnxte_testimonial_parent]
Frequently Asked Questions
The EnviroKlenz Air System treats 250 cubic feet per minute on the highest speed setting and ideally, you want to achieve 3-5 air exchanges per hour in the area you are using the system. In a typical home (assuming approximately 10-foot high ceiling), this equates out to be around ~ 1000 square feet or less.
The EnviroKlenz Air System is about 15″ wide by 15″ deep and sits 19″ high.
The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus is about 15″ wide by 15″ deep and sits 22″ high.
The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus is larger and contains (2) UVC Bulbs, which help germicidal irradiation and internal cleaning of the system. There are also indicator lights that inform you when individual UV-C lamps need to be replaced.
While the EnviroKlenz Air System does not contain the (2) UVC Bulbs.
The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus has 4 speeds, they are 85 CFM, 150 CFM, 200 CFM, and 250 CFM.The HEPA filter will last approximately 2 years. The EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge will typically last 6 months. The actual lifetime is dependent on environmental conditions and chemical pollution concentration present in the environment it is used in.
Carbon is a commonly used material in odor control applications. It absorbs odors; however, it does have several serious disadvantages. Most significantly, carbon only physisorbs toxic, noxious, and other odor-causing molecules, meaning that the unwanted chemicals do not react chemically with the carbon and can be released later and cause the re-emergence of an odor believed to have been initially neutralized or eliminated. Changes in humidity or temperature can hasten this process, causing the odors and other unwanted chemicals to be released back into the air. EnviroKlenz® products have proven to be highly efficient “adsorptive neutralizers” for chemicals making them not only competitively advantageous over carbon, but ideal in multiple chemical sensitive situations. When the EnviroKlenz materials come into contact with the airborne pollutant, the metal oxides’ active sites first capture the chemical then initiate the neutralization process. This type of action is needed for the numerous types of pollutants that possess a variety of different functional groups. The increased surface area, unique physical morphology, high chemical reactivity, and functional porosity, all contribute to the enhanced chemical adsorption and neutralizing characteristics of EnviroKlenz.