How to Get Rid of Bathroom Mold

Keeping your bathroom clean can sometimes be a challenge, especially when mold and mildew are involved. Not to worry! There are a handful of household tricks out there for keeping bathroom mold at bay, and we’ve gathered a few for you to try.

How clean would you consider your bathroom? For most people, the answer may be, ‘not so clean.’ For a space in the house that experiences daily showers, bathroom breaks, and personal care, your bathroom is arguably the hardest room in the house to keep perfectly spotless. Your bathroom also carries the disadvantage of being extremely vulnerable to dirty dangers like mold and mildew, which significantly add to the mess.  

Bathroom mold is no joke. Both smelly and displeasing to the eye, mold is something that no one wishes to find in their bathroom but oftentimes experiences anyway. And what better way to give your guests the heebie-jeebies than offering them a mold-infested bathroom to use…not! Sure, mold and mildew are hard to keep out of bathrooms because of their optimal growing conditions for fungi – moisture, humidity, warmth, and darkness. But, successfully tackling mold can help remedy the overall issue of a dirty bathroom. It just takes the right solutions to not only kill mold but keep it from coming back.

Find out how you can get rid of mold in your bathroom and prevent it from growing back in the future.  


Mold and mildew are often used interchangeably when talking about household mold outbreaks. While similar in nature, there are in fact a few differences between the two fungal outbreaks. Mildew is classified as a more powdery, flat fungus, usually appearing in shades of grey, white, or brown. Mildew grows best in damp, warm settings, but will tend to stay on the surface of its habitat, like on top of walls or damp fabrics. It is also distinguished by a mild musty odor. 

Mold on the other hand comes in a wider variety of colors and textures, ranging from slimy brown, black, and pink to fuzzy green and blue. Mold favors the same growing conditions as mildew, but will often grow deeper into materials, like beneath wood flooring or within drywall and insulation. Mold also carries a richer, more pungent odor that is more displeasing to the nose. 

The symptoms associated with exposure to these fungal nuisances also differ, as mildew causes milder reactions from its presence compared to mold. This has to do with the mycotoxins released from many molds classified as “toxic,” which are what trigger allergic reactions and irritations.  


Think about the state of your bathroom. Typical bathroom activities involve water in some way, whether you are running the sink, flushing the toilet, or taking a hot, steamy shower. Then, throw in the factor of poor ventilation for bathrooms without exhaust fans or windows. This wet situation creates the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew to settle and feed on. So where should you keep an eye out for mold in your bathroom?

Here is a list of the most common places to check for mold in your bathroom: 

Have you ever seen a black or pink ring around your toilet bowl where the water stops? This mold growth is caused by the bacteria and dirt that live inside your toilet bowl. Without regularly cleaning, these rings can appear quite frequently. 

Your shower is a mold spore’s best friend. Slimy mold tends to build up on wet grout, shower heads, bathtub faucets, and any loose items like soap bottles and loofahs that sit in moisture after each shower. Showers and baths that aren’t aired out after each use will likely allow mold growth. This also includes your shower curtain, which sits against the wet sides of your bathtub and accumulates mold and soap scum over time.  

Both on top and underneath your sink are perfect homes for mold. It’s important to clean around the grout of your sink, the head of your faucet, and the drain, as well as keep your sink as dry as possible after each use. Checking under your sink is also a good way to be aware of any potential leaks, which could lead to a more serious mold issue. 

Your wet towels and shower mats give perfect invitation to hungry mildew. When fabrics like these remain damp, mold and mildew can accumulate on their surface and give them a sour smell. Be sure to hang these items to dry after use. 

You may ask, why is there mold on my bathroom ceiling? Well, mold spores see this as an ideal spot to stick to, as shower steam gets trapped within a poorly ventilated bathroom and causes moisture to settle on the ceiling. This growth location is especially common in bathrooms without exhaust fans or windows.  

Hidden mold is hard to notice. However, if you suspect a mold outbreak, a few hidden spots to check would be under your flooring or behind your walls. Dark spots and stains on walls can be a sign of mold growth beneath the surface. Soft flooring can also be a sign of saturated surfaces like wood that are starting to decay. If you are experiencing either of these indicators, or simply start to smell the musty odor of mold and mildew in your bathroom but can’t visibly see anything, have your bathroom inspected right away to avoid any further damage. 

Can bathroom mold make you sick?

It most certainly can, just like any other outbreak of mold in the home. Mold releases mycotoxins that trigger allergic reactions like coughing, sneezing, and itchy or watery eyes. Subjecting yourself to prolonged mold exposure can worsen these symptoms, which is why all household mold should be remediated as soon as it’s spotted to avoid health risks and home damage.  



Cleaning bathroom mold doesn’t have to be hard. You can use a variety of household products to clean away physical buildup of bathroom mold, as well as deodorize the smells that come along with it. Any form of detergent or bleach can be diluted with water for an easy cleaning agent to wipe away mold-stricken surfaces. This will kill any mold found on tile, granite, wood, and more. For a chemical-free cleaning solutions, try mixing vinegar and water as a non-toxic remedy to kill mold in your bathroom. Make it a routine to clean your bathroom regularly to remove and prevent mold and mildew growth.  

Deodorizing mold and mildew odors is another cleaning challenge. Capturing lingering mold scents from your bathroom and any other area of the house exposed to mold can be achieved through an air purifier. This solution actually removes the odors for good rather than temporarily masking them like a fragrance or freshener would; this is because the air purifier works to capture airborne mold spores, which prevents future mold growth and mold odors.  


Air purifiers aren’t merely an odor solution. As mentioned before, bathrooms often suffer from poor ventilation. Running an exhaust fan during and after a shower or bath is a great way to generate ventilation for steam and moisture, however some bathrooms do not have a fan. In this case, air flow can be created via an air purifier that is stationed in or near a bathroom. Providing greater air exchanges per hour, this can significantly reduce moisture and humidity in the air, as well as tackle particulates like mold spores.

Air Quality is a large component in the journey of mold growth. Aside from ventilation, the air also carries mold spores that are searching for a place to settle. It simultaneously gives home to bacteria and dust particulates that serve as food for mold to feed on. Without healthy air quality, you could be welcoming mold and mildew into your bathroom without even knowing it. This is why air quality solutions are so vital in the remediation of mold outbreaks. 

The EnviroKlenz Air Systems are purifying powerhouses to wipe mold out of bathrooms for good. With patented technology that is proven to capture and destroy mold spores and mold-related VOCs, these air purifiers are a trusted source of filtration for any mold-prone area. When used in or near a bathroom, the Air Systems can capture mold spores and dust from the air to prevent unexpected outbreaks, as well as provide remediation to mold-related odors and symptoms if an outbreak has already occurred.  


Here are a few helpful tips and tricks for preventing mold and mildew in your bathroom:

  • First up, invest in a Squeegee. This little tool is about to become your best friend! Take a few minutes after your shower or bath to squeegee your glass doors, mirrors, and shower walls, wiping away water droplets and condensation. This actually reduces a significant amount of settled water in your bathroom, leaving less chance of mold creeping in after you.  

  • Dry off your soap bottles or place them on a rack to dry. I know this tip sounds a bit annoying, but it is surprising how much mold and mildew finds its way underneath wet shampoo bottles, razors, loofahs, or any other shower item that sits undisturbed for most of the day. A dry rack hung over your shower head works great as a drying method and a storage space for your bath time belongings. 

  • Air out your bathroom after every shower or bath. Open windows and run exhaust fans during and 15 minutes after your shower. It’s also a great habit to leave glass shower doors open and spread your shower curtains out to avoid mold buildup and allow for ventilation.  

  • Invest in an air purifier for your bathroom. Increase ventilation and air flow in these steamy spaces with an efficient air purifier, which can also work to purify the air of fragrances, aerosols, and particulates created by your powder room routines! 

  • Keep up with regular cleaning habits. Make it your goal to wipe your surfaces down at least once a week, and wash towels, mats, and rugs often, as well. This will minimize the availability of growing spots for mold and keep your bathroom fresh and guest-proof. 

A mold-free bathroom is easily achievable. With a few preventative steps, and the right remedies in the case of a moldy outbreak, your chances of enjoying a clean bathroom are very promising. 

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  • Patented technology that captures & destroys viruses, bacteria, allergens, and other chemical toxins
  • UVC protection for added germicidal defense
  • Never releases chemicals or byproducts back into the air, making it non-toxic and safe

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Mobile UV Air System

  • Patented technology that captures & destroys viruses, bacteria, allergens, and other chemical toxins
  • UVC protection for added germicidal defense
  • Never releases chemicals or byproducts back into the air, making it non-toxic and safe

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