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3 Ways to Spot Mold in Your Walls

3 Ways To Spot Mold In Your Walls

Mold can do some serious damage to our walls, so it is imperative to find out if we have such an infestation as soon as possible. If it’s not feasible to replace the drywall with a conservative alternative, you’ll have to come up with better, more hassle-free methods of detecting an invasion of mold. Below, […]
can paint cause cancer

Can Paint Fumes Cause Cancer?

  Painters are subjected to a great deal of complicated chemical compounds and mixtures that usually generate poisonous fumes, which are known to cause carcinogenic complications. According to certain research published in the Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, painters are significantly exposed to greater risks of contracting various types of diseases, including cancer of […]
Curb Your Seasonal Allergies With An Air Purifier

Curb Your Seasonal Allergies With An Air Purifier

Air purifiers are becoming a common addition to numerous homes. They are installed to prevent people from suffering from seasonal allergies, like pollen, ragweed, and others. They help to minimize health problems during any season and improve our well being. They ensure that the air we are breathing is cleaned in various ways. Below are […]

How To Detect Mold With A Blacklight

  Mold can cause severe health problems, so it must be dealt with quickly when there is a manifestation of it in one’s home. Also, there is a risk of suffering ailments such as allergies, nausea, asthma attacks, and other issues. Once someone has a feeling that their home is infested, it is crucial to […]
How to Keep Your Garage Mold Free!

How To Keep Your Garage Mold Free!

Mold is a problem that may often be lurking in homes, but it can also affect garages and other outdoor structures. It is only when it is out in the open that most homeowners try to find ways to remove it. One of the main reasons why mold is so commonly found in garages is […]
How to Safely Remove Mold & Mildew From Clothes

How To Safely Remove Mold And Mildew From Clothes

When fabric lies idle in a damp and warm setting, it’s highly likely that mildew or mold will start growing on it, which is usually evidenced by splotchy and/or discolored patches. These two can pose a major health risk when not dealt with quickly, so here are some techniques to help you get rid of […]
What is Painter's Dementia

What Is Painter’s Dementia?

On a daily basis, human beings strive to improve the conditions of their residences so that they can look better. They clean, paint, and even do some gardening around the property. Painting is notably one of the home improvement techniques that is most commonly used. It not only enhances the general condition of a home, […]
why does my washing machine smell like chemicals

Why Does My Washing Machine Smell Like Chemicals?

  The laundry room is a commonplace within your home that is exposed to numerous types of chemicals – from cleaning products stored within cabinets in this room, laundry products used in your washing machine, or even chemicals used in the manufacturing of your washing machine. The typical American home usually contains about 3 to […]
4 Natural and Easy Ways to Remove Mold

4 Natural and Easy Ways to Remove Mold

Mold, in some cases accompanied by mildew, occurs in damp places. It’s not a result of negligence, per say, but that does not mean it is harmless. Irrespective of constantly cleaning your tiles, controlling mold can be elusive…. especially since an inclination to harsh artificial methods such as borax and bleach can harm your pets […]
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