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Air Quality in the Gym – What You Need to Know

When you think of a gym or exercise facility, your first thought is likely “health.” This is a place you can frequent to improve your overall health and chances of longevity. However, in our new normal of living alongside COVID-19, the quality of our air and the cleanliness of our shared environments are more important […]
why does my car smell

Why does my car smell?

  Since so many of us are working from home these days, and with many weekends and after school activities put on pause, your car probably isn’t seeing the action that it used to when you were driving more frequently. Maybe it’s been a few days or even a week since you last drove, but […]
solutions for indoor air quality in hotels

Solutions for indoor air quality in hotels

COVID-19 has the leisure and hospitality industry taking extra precautions when it comes to air quality in hotel rooms. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is often much more heavily polluted than outdoor spaces, and thus, the virus is known to spread much more rapidly indoors. Even with factoring in extra precautions, with travel limitations and people […]
how to clean a stinky washing machine

How To Clean a Stinky Washing Machine

  We’ve all been there- those times where you go to do a load of laundry, and that terrible odor creeps up on you as you lift the washing machine lid. You know that if you don’t find a way to get rid of the odor quickly, the smell is going to linger on your […]
the benefits of indoor environmental quallity

What Are The Benefits Of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Having a comfortable and safe work environment is a top priority for all businesses. Especially in the wake of Covid-19, many office spaces need essential environmental updates to mitigate the transmission of viruses and bacteria. Learn how to keep your workforce healthy, happy, and productive by improving the air quality in your workspace. In this […]
do i need an air purifier in my dorm

Should You Get an Air Purifier For Your Dorm Room?

  Going back to college during a global pandemic is understandably a worry for many students and their parents. Even before COVID-19, college dorm rooms were considered to be like Petri dishes. This is a fairly accurate comparison due to the enclosed environments, shared bathrooms, and lack of regular cleaning and laundry.  Having an air […]
can poor indoor air affect my ability to learn

Can poor indoor air quality affect your kid’s ability to learn?

  Whoever thought we would be going to school in our pajamas? The pandemic caused by Covid-19 has turned the world upside down. Nowhere has the effect been more keenly felt than in the world of education. Millions of school children are faced with the reality that they might be learning at home this Fall, […]
remove pet urine smell from carpet

How Do You Remove Pet Urine From Carpet?

  Few things have the potential to bring so much unconditional love into your life as getting a pet. From big wet kisses to someone to welcome you home at the end of a long day, welcoming a pet into your home can be a joyful and rewarding experience, but like with anything, it also […]
indoor allergies

The Difference Between Allergies and COVID-19 Symptoms

  This year from June 28th to July 4th, 2020, we celebrated a unique holiday: World Allergy Week 2020. The World Allergy Organization uses this week every year to draw attention to an issue affecting allergy sufferers that could benefit from more awareness. In light of these extraordinary times, the group elected to hold their […]
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