Fragrance Allergies

Fragrances in Your Home Could Be Making You Sick

“Fragrance” on a label is a catch-all term that can indicate the presence of up to four thousand different ingredients.
Approximately 95 percent of those ingredients are made from petroleum.

Instead of natural ingredients, perfumes are now made from chemicals synthesized from the waste products of refining petroleum for fuel. Over time, it was discovered that these chemicals were toxic.

Today’s fragrances consist of a combination of natural essential oils, aroma chemicals, and solvents in a base of alcohol.

Some of the more toxic ingredients include:

– Methylene Chloride
– Toluene
– Methyl Ethyl Ketone
– Ethanol
– Benzyl Chloride

*all of these chemicals require disposal as hazardous substances

– 1989

In 1989, from a list of 2,983 chemicals used in the fragrance industry, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recognized 884 toxic substances capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders, skin and eye irritation, multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), and allergies.

– 2010

In 2010, The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics commissioned an independent lab to test seventeen fragrance products. They found hormone-disrupting chemicals linked to a range of health effects, including cancer, thyroid disruption, and sperm damage.

But fragrance chemicals can also cause what a growing number of people experience as allergies and sensitivities, which can have mild to severe effects. Symptoms can range from classic “allergic” symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes, to headaches, inability to concentrate and dizziness. These chemicals can also aggravate breathing difficulties and wheezing, and result in skin conditions that include itching, hives, and rashes.

As consumers, we rarely know what the exact ingredients are. “Fragrance” on a product label is a catch-all term that can indicate the presence of up to four thousand different ingredients. Approximately 95 percent of those ingredients are made from petroleum.

In addition to perfume and aftershave, synthetic fragrance is used in a variety of consumer products, including:

– Personal Care Products – shampoo, soap, lotion, deodorant
– Cleaning Products- laundry detergent, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid
– Household Products- air fresheners, candles, scented inserts in magazines

Remove Fragrances from Your Laundry

Fragrances are often found in clothing and laundry from the perfumes, soaps, and dryer sheets that are being embedded into the fabrics and fibers daily. Luckily, there is a product that you can add to your laundry routine alongside your favorite unscented detergent to combat those fragrances head-on.



$12.99 $9.99

This has saved me countless headaches from odors and perfume.

This is an amazing product!

I bought this and it worked beautifully. I bought a duvet cover on eBay and it really stunk from fabric softeners or something similar. Nothing else I tried totally eliminated the odor (10+ launderings with a few using baking soda and/or vinegar), but your product did!

Good Product, gets rid of smells without having to use other overpowering chemicals!
Many times my wife uses other chemical products to get rid of overpowering laundry smells, this does the trick without!

I have fragrance allergy and use fragrance free laundry detergent. I also use a shared laundry room and everyone else seems to love laundry products that have very strong fragrance. Washers and dryers consistently smell of detergent fragrance which gets on my laundry and linens for up to a week. 

Your Home Shouldn’t Give You a Headache

If you are having symptoms related to exposure to fragrance or want to eliminate scented products as a preventative measure for good health, the two steps are:

  1. Buy and Use Unscented Products
  2. Remove Fragrance that may Already be in Your Home

There are many unscented products to choose from in stores and online. However, removing synthetic fragrance around your home is often easier said than done.

We Use 3 Metal Oxides in Our Products:

– Magnesium Oxide
– Zinc Oxide
– Titanium Dioxide

We have created EnviroKlenz® using only earth-extracted, natural materials that aren’t irritants.

Any time EnviroKlenz’s unique mixture of these minerals comes in contact with an environmental pollutant, it attaches to it, reacts with it (in a safe way), and either completely destroys the pollutant or neutralizes it so it can’t cause any further harm. No masking agents or fragrances are added to your air, and your indoor space is simply… almost magically… cleaner. 


EnviroKlenz Versus Acetaldehyde


Aldehydes are commonly used in perfumes and fragrances to “boost” the desired scent.

This graph compares the chemical activity of EnviroKlenz® materials towards the destructive adsorption of acetaldehyde. When acetaldehyde is adsorbed from an air stream, rapid adsorption takes place with EnviroKlenz® and almost none with commercial material. Note that activated carbon, a commonly used sorbent, is much less effective while in just a manner of minutes EnviroKlenz® adsorbs over 80% of the chemical from the air stream.



Remove Fragrances from Your Air

Fragrances from air “fresheners”, plug ins, candles, and even houseguests can linger long after the source of the scent has left the home. With products like the EnviroKlenz® Mobile Air System, you can elminate the lingering fragrances without resorting to masking agents or toxic chemicals.

$700.00 $699.99

$899.00 $799.00



Apartment living can be stinky between neighbors that smoke, neighbors who wash with awful dry sheets and scented detergents, and my downstairs neighbor who cooks with horrid spices all the time.In the six weeks of owning the unit and using it daily, I have noticed fresher smelling air. 

Our neighbors use strongly scented laundry detergent that drifts into our home and that had prevented us from being able to open our vents all summer, but now with the filter material in place we are able to have our vents open without any car exhaust, smells from laundry or the dairy farm next door getting through. It’s a game changer!”

We special ordered a machine, and I could tell within a few hours that it was working on that horrid chemical! I was beyond relieved!

I now have two machines in the house and am feeling better. EnviroKlenz saved my house but, more importantly, it saved ME!

This unit rockkkkkssss and that is an understatement. We use it daily at our practice and all of our patients compliment on the air quality in our exam rooms.

I was once an IQ air gal but have since converted and have recommended this unit to everyone that we can.

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